Pest Control

Pest Control

Control methods are most often chemical and they are performed by applying insecticides using specific techniques for the habitat - sprays and/or punctual applications.

In outdoor areas, the means of pest control include both delarvizations, and treatments to combat vectors.


It is performed favorable weather conditions (no strong wind, no precipitations) when the outside ambient temperature is above 15°C. Specifically, it is performed during the peak activity of discomfort insects, in the morning and in the evening, using cold and warm aerosol generators or devices capable of performing ULV spraying.

All outdoor pest control treatments are performed in compliance with the applicable provisions of Order no. 127/1991 issued by the Romanian Beekeepers Association.


In indoor areas, pest control is performed by spraying specific insecticides or by applying state-of-the-art insecticides in the form of gel. Depending on the vectors/discomfort insects concerned, the insecticide is applied differently, both in terms of the formula used and the area to be treated:

  • for flies and mosquitoes: the upper half of the walls, the ceiling, places exposed to sunlight;
  • for fleas: across the floor (ponding effect);
  • for roaches: insecticides in the form of suspensions or emulsions are sprayed on the plinth, along a 20-30 cm area encompassing both the floor and the walls;
  • for moths: fumigation treatments are applied by using warm mist generators or spray treatments using manual pressure pumps;
  • insecticides in the form of gel are applied in remote areas, behind the objects in the room, and especially in places with high temperatures (behind refrigerators, behind air conditioners).
